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Kamis, 12 September 2013

STEM System Kickstarter Puts Virtual Reality in Your Hands

STEM System Kickstarter Puts Virtual Reality in Your Hands


Immersive virtual reality could be much closer than we think, if a Kickstarter for a wireless motion controller posted Thursday meets its goals.

The STEM System is a wireless, modular motion tracking control system developed by Sixense. It will allow PC, Mac and Linux games to track the player's position with up to five points on the body.

While earlier versions of this motion controller system are available for the Razer Hydra controller, it's the first time the system is wireless, according to the Kickstarter page. The goal of the Kickstarter is to get the wireless STEM System into developers' hands so they can create games for it. Read more...

More about Gaming, Virtual Reality, Entertainment, Oculus Rift, and Stem Controller Mashable

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