"Selfie" officially became the Oxford Dictionary's Word of the Year 2013 this week. Usage in the English language has increased by a whopping 17,000% since last year, according to Oxford
Now, let's take a little trip back to the roots of the the social-media era's most loved (and loathed) mode of photographic self-expression. The selfie has its own social network now, but it's probably safe to assume that most selfies still happen on Instagram, where 55 million photos are shared each day
See also: The Social Psychology of the Selfie
The hashtag #selfie has been used on Instagram 57 million times, the company said. Below, according to Instagram, is the first photo tagged #selfie in the photo-sharing network's short but illustrious history. It was uploaded on Jan. 16, 2011 by user Jennifer Lee: Read more...
More about Hashtag, Instagram, Social Media, Pics, and Selfies
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