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Kamis, 14 November 2013

Pixelstick Takes Painting With Light to the High-Tech Next Level

Pixelstick Takes Painting With Light to the High-Tech Next Level


Imagine yourself at night, wearing dark clothing and holding a six-foot stick lined with LED lights. As you turn on the stick, it twinkles in many colors, looking something like a rainbow light saber. A friend with a camera nearby gives you a cue and you start walking with the LED stick

The result, when you edit the image later, looks like a lit-up ribbon floating in the streets.

That is the experience users are promised with a new product called the pixelstick, developed by Bitbanger Labs. It's a more advanced version of light painting, the process in which you use long-exposure photography to capture the movement of light (you know, like in those photos where everyone spells out their name with a glowing ember at a bonfire) Read more...

More about Photography, Tech, Gadgets, Light Photography, and Pixelstick Mashable

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