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Selasa, 26 November 2013

Top 200 Reddit Posts of All Time, Visualized

Top 200 Reddit Posts of All Time, Visualized


We've found the perfect time-killer for this Tuesday morning: a neat visualization of the 200 top-scoring posts on Reddit

The visualization is color-coded, showing you which subreddits the posts came from. It's also interactive, letting you change what the area of rectangles represents: the number of comments or overall score (number of upvotes) on Reddit

For example, the top scoring Reddit post of all time, titled "The Bus Knight", has over 21,000 upvotes, but when it comes to the number of comments, it pales in comparison with this post, which asks Redditors to share their deepest secrets Read more...

More about Reddit, Visualization, Social Media, Apps Software, and Dev Design Mashable

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