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Selasa, 06 Agustus 2013

Cookie Monster Puts Sweet Spin on Icona Pop's 'I Love It'

Cookie Monster Puts Sweet Spin on Icona Pop's 'I Love It'


Quick, someone lock the cookie jar. Cookie Monster is on the prowl for a treat — and he wants it bad.

In the video, above, Sesame Street's cookie-loving Muppet spoofs Icona Pop's hit summer anthem "I Love It." This version doesn't have any cars crashing into a bridge, but it does show Cookie Monster ever so tempted by his biggest vice

Thankfully, Cookie keeps himself in check by exercising self-control until the video's end, when he finally gets his mitts on a sweet treat.

Sesame Street's 44th season is set to premiere on Sept. 16. Read more...

More about Video, Sesame Street, Music, Watercooler, and Videos Mashable

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