Breaking News
Kamis, 15 Agustus 2013

Google Maps Driver Detained, Accused of Being a Government Agent

Google Maps Driver Detained, Accused of Being a Government Agent


Next time you're casually perusing Thailand through Google Street View, you might want to be grateful for the driver who got you those shots.

Villagers in northern Thailand have apologized for suspecting a Google Maps driver was secretly surveying for a criticized dam project, detaining him and making him swear on a Buddha statue that he was telling the truth, according to The Bangkok Post.

Residents of the country's Phrae province have long staunchly opposed a proposed government dam project, which environmental activists say would devastate local forests.

So when Deeprom Phongphon casually drove up and down village streets in a car with a giant camera sticking out the top — even though the car was painted in that Google Maps pattern — residents grew suspicious. Approximately 20 of them surrounded his car, forcing him to stop, and badgered him with questions. Read more...

More about Google, Google Maps, Google Street View, Car, and Thailand Mashable

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