There are still two long years to wait until Star Wars: Episode VII, but you can console yourself this week with the release of what you might call Episode 3.1.
Kenobi, by author and comic-book writer John Jackson Miller, will hit bookstores Tuesday. It's the story of what happens to Obi-Wan during his first seven weeks on Tatooine, after dropping baby Luke off with Uncle Owen and Aunt Beru at the end of Revenge of the Sith, and then leaving to watch over them from afar
The book doesn't explain how Ewan McGregor (who plays Obi-Wan in Episode III) could transform into Alec Guinness (Obi-Wan in Episode IV) in what is supposed to be just 19 years — we're left to assume people just age faster living on a desert planet with two suns. (That's what happens when moisture is so rare, you have to farm for it.) Read more...
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