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Kamis, 15 Agustus 2013

Why a Teen Kidnapping Victim Turned to for Solace

Why a Teen Kidnapping Victim Turned to for Solace


Less than one week after her rescue, California teen Hannah Anderson supposedly described her kidnapping on the social networking site She also appears to have used Instagram to grieve for her mother and 8-year-old brother, who were both murdered.

The user Hannahbanana722, which the Associated Press reports as Hannah Anderson, has been active on the question-and-answer site for more than a month. An 11-day break in the account's activity ended Tuesday, just a few days after Anderson's rescue.

For about a day, the user Hannahbanana722 answered questions about the kidnapping, among other things, before the account was disabled around noon Tuesday. It was reactivated about 20 minutes later with what appeared to be significantly less content but was quickly disabled again just a few minutes later. At the time of publishing, the account was still disabled. Read more...

More about Forum, Crime, Death, California, and Kidnapping Mashable

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