Breaking News
Jumat, 29 November 2013

Police Need Small Bomb Squad Bots But Don't Have the Money

Police Need Small Bomb Squad Bots But Don't Have the Money


Police squads across the U.S. respond to more than 30,000 bomb-related incidents every year. Though many turn out to be hoaxes or false alarms, the immediacy of these situations highlights a need for small, deployable robots that can navigate all types of terrain and dismantle explosives.

David Heaven, a representative of the National Bomb Squad Commanders Advisory Board, based in Huntsville, Ala., said his organization has deemed small robots a high-acquisition priority for bomb squads throughout the country. Representatives from the Department of Homeland Security and several bomb squad commanders around the U.S. also told Mashable that there is a huge need for androids that can immediately deploy and deal with bomb threats. Read more...

More about Robots, Bomb, Boston Police, Police, and Dev Design Mashable

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