Breaking News
Jumat, 09 Agustus 2013

Elon Musk and Richard Branson Share Business Tips in Google+ Hangout

Elon Musk and Richard Branson Share Business Tips in Google+ Hangout


Elon Musk and Richard Branson discussed business for an hour in a Google+ hangout Thursday, offering advice and answering questions from entrepreneurs from South Africa, the United Kingdom, Columbia and Jamaica.

"If you've got a great idea that you think can improve peoples' lives, just get on and do it," advised Branson from Necker Island, the 74-acre private paradise he bought more than 30 years ago. "The important thing is doing it."

When someone tells you an idea is crazy, Branson says, test it out — a method he used to turn a record company into an airline business and major conglomerate. Read more...

More about Virgin, Richard Branson, Virgin Atlantic Airways, Elon Musk, and Spacex Mashable

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