Breaking News
Senin, 12 Agustus 2013

Leaked: Live Video From the Bradley Manning Trial

Leaked: Live Video From the Bradley Manning Trial


A new leak surfaced at the Bradley Manning trial — and not from the source of WikiLeaks' most famous releases.

The 16-second video (embedded below) shows the courtroom with Manning and the presiding judge, Col. Denise Lind.

The video was published by Australian blogger and activist Asher Wolf on Sunday

Wolf claims she received the video from an anonymous sender who didn't provider any details about the recording, according to The Daily Telegraph. The video captured the footage shown on a TV screen, presumably in one of the overflow rooms where media and public attendees who don't fit in the courtroom can follow the court martial. (Wolf didn't respond to Mashable's request for comment.) Read more...

More about Wikileaks, Whistleblowing, Bradley Manning, Us World, and Us Mashable

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