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Senin, 16 Desember 2013

10 Ways Mashable Readers Unplug

10 Ways Mashable Readers Unplug


In the hyper-connected digital age, it can be tough finding time to get offline. With a constant stream of emails, texts, tweets and Facebook notifications, we rarely have the opportunity to truly unplug.

This is the very dilemma that media theorist Douglas Rushkoff explores in his book, Present Shock: When Everything Happens Now, the December nonfiction book selection for the Mashable social book club MashableReads. Advances in technology were projected to give humans the tools to fully enjoy the present. Instead, we are constantly inundated with real-time feeds of content and the pressure to document the moment, both of which remove us from the time at hand. Read more...

Mo re about Instagram, Douglas Rushkoff, Pics, Lifestyle, and Travel Leisure Mashable

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