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Senin, 16 Desember 2013

Entitle Takes a Different Approach to Netflix-for-E-Books Market

Entitle Takes a Different Approach to Netflix-for-E-Books Market


On paper, Bryan Batten doesn't sound like the kind of person who would help the publishing industry re-imagine its future in digital. He spent most of his career working in the pharmaceutical industry handling sales and contracts. He has virtually no technology expertise. And he lives in Wilmington, N.C., nearly 600 miles south of the country's publishing capital, New York

While traveling for his pharmaceutical job, however, Batten found himself with time to read and read a lot. In mid-2011, tired of lugging around print editions, he searched for a good e-book subscription or rental option so he could sample more books on the go. No such service existed in the United States, as far as he could tell. That's when he got the idea to create his own, despite the obvious fact that he didn't have the right background for it. Read more...

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