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Minggu, 15 Desember 2013

Instagram Direct Is Giving Users Photo-Sharing Anxiety

Instagram Direct Is Giving Users Photo-Sharing Anxiety


Instagram unveiled it's new service "Instagram Direct" on Thursday, allowing users to send images to private groups and individuals

While it's great that the company is expanding into Snapchat-like territory, it's also creating quite the problem for photographers — photo-sharing anxiety

In this comic, Nitrozac and Snaggy of The Joy of Tech explain why there's now just too much hassle and decision-making involved in sharing digital images

JoT_Instagram_comicBONUS: Snapchat or Instagram? An Unofficial Guide to Sharing Photos

Comic illustration provided by The Joy of Tech. Published with permission; all rights reserved. Read more...

More about Comic, Comics, Humor, Joy Of Tech, and Instagram Mashable

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